
Thursday, April 4, 2024

Female Photographers

Women artists have long had an appreciation for the male nude.  Today we will look at some photos by female artists made between 1922 and 1986.  If any of you have more photos by these talented women, please contact me as I would love to do some individual series featuring their work.  We start with a very well lighted and posed work by Dianora Niccolini.



  1. A series of exceptional photos! I love this one for the softness of the shapes and the play of light on this extraordinary body!

  2. These women are very good. This one is easily my favorite. The lighting and pose and model make this sensual, but erotic too.

  3. I think some women did (do) a better job than the guys at photographing the male body.

  4. As a French Canadian speaking man, I'm always sad to see you namind women as «females» as for us in French «femelle» is more for naming animals. We say man and woman never female.

  5. Je comprends ce que vous dites, mais pour nous anglophones, c'est different. Nous pouvons dire "female" sans la prejugement.
