
Friday, May 31, 2024

Don Herron Bathtub Photos

While researching a recent series on the work of Crawford Barton, I rediscovered the bathtub series of photos by Don Herron.  Beginning around 1977, Mr. Herron started asking friends, acquaintances, and friends of friends to pose in the bathtub.  He continued doing this well into the 1990s, and I am featuring ten of these where the models were members of the artistic community.  We start with Victor Hugo, aka Victor Rojas, an interesting character best known for his association with Andy Warhol.  You can read more about him here:



  1. Beautiful man we even regret that the bathtub contains water!

  2. A most interesting gentleman. I still like the quote "When did Victor's relationship with Halston fall apart?" To which Joe Eula responded "The day it began". A doomed paring if there ever was one.
