
Saturday, May 18, 2024


The handheld massage device at the end of a haircut sent me into a near ecstatic state.
The guy in the mirror looks like he's headed there, too.



  1. Ahhh. . . . the memories of those handheld massage devices. I thought I was the only one sent to nirvana with one of those. I think I was 18 at the time.

    SB Dan

    1. We had a really touchy-feely barber who got one of those around 1965 when I was 14. Men would go to him just to get the massage along with their haircuts, and eventually the other two barbers in the shop got them, too. I kept going to Mr. Touchy-Feely until I left for college.

    2. My parents had one - an Oster Stim U Lax Jr. model. I found out how to REALLY use it when I was 11, and it was my best friend for several years!

    3. LOL, you and a million or so others.

  2. A friend of mine has one and it still works. The sensation is still incredible. I wonder if the guy in the chair was close to having a happy ending? I would certainly oblige him!

    1. I think they may still make those things. Happy endings would be a nice bonus, but I don't see many happening in busy barber shops. After hours, perhaps.

  3. Cool photo and lots of memories with those massages. And touchie feel barbers.

  4. Something about the touch of a barber in an old fashioned barbershop was erotic to me before I even knew the meaning of the word. Maybe more than eroticism, the touch of these men as they gently placed a hand on your head to turn it this way or that, or leaning into a shoulder, resting part of his body onto yours, gave such a sense of ease and pleasure, the kind you can feel running up your skin - indescribable. No massager needed. The white coat....don't get me

    1. You, better than anyone, seem to understand exactly why I did this series. One of my favorite comments ever!
