
Friday, June 14, 2024

Brick Shit House, Part 1 - Nudes

I recently saw something on another blog that immediately brought the phrase "brick shit house" into my fervid mind.  (You'ls see that one shortly.)  So today we will have the three part series featuring men who are sturdily built, starting with this 19th Century model by Igout.  For the sake of brevity and what little remaining decorum remains, I will use the shorthand BSH in the captions, but the full version in the section headings. 



  1. I have always enjoyed looking at men who are built like a BSH, and this gentleman is certainly that!

    1. There was an older guy in my freshman gym class at the University of Texas who looked a lot like this fellow and didn't even know it. (That only made him more attractive.) I got to know him and found out he was a retired Army master sergeant going to school on the GI Bill at age 39. I was shocked to encounter him again a year and a half later in an honors humanities tutorial course where he wrote a phenomenal paper on the relationship between the German poet Rilke and Auguste Rodin. Life is full of surprises.

  2. A magnificent specimen. He has the look of a man that likes to show himself off. And why not? Built like a BSH, but with definition and poise.

    1. There is indeed some refinement there along with the muscle.
