
Saturday, August 17, 2024

Hugh O'Brian

Born Hugo Krampe, Hugh O'Brian chose to use his mother's maiden name after a theater program misspelled his name.  Even on the rebound, they got it wrong, as it was O'Brien, but the actor chose to stick with that vesion.  His big break came when he won the role of Wyatt Earp on TV, but he also got good reviews for his movie roles, most of which were not westerns.  He lived to be 91.



  1. When I was a kid, I used to fantasize about Hugh O'Brian. It caused certain parts of my body to harden. I wonder why. Big Dude

  2. This photo looks like a still from the movie "Love Has Many Faces" which featured Hugh O'Brian in a tight bathing suit for much of the movie. It is worth seeing for that alone.

  3. Yes, Love Has Many Faces from 1965 with Lana Turner, Cliff Robertson and the great Ruth Roman. But it was Hugh O’Brian in his swimsuit that stole the show. Controversial at the time, O’Brien played a beach hustler with blondie boy Ron Husmann as a “roommate”….:)

    1. Cliff Robertson has appeared here in celebrity beefcake sets.

  4. Hugh O'Brian had to face off against a lot of competition in LOVE HAS MANY FACES from Lana Turner's heavily-publicized, Edith Head-designed "Million Dollar Wardrobe." (There's even a short promo film the studio put out that's on YouTube.)

    All this focus got the film dubbed "Lana Has Many Costume Changes" by critics-- and yet all Hugh O'Brian had to do was pack his manly goods into a bulging Speedo and lay back invitingly to be the clear winner.

    -- hsc
