
Saturday, December 21, 2024

Kneeling in the dunes

This guy kneeling in the dunes makes me thing of a group of photos Mr. Scumbeast gave me
which he called "Waiting for Mr. Right."  It is not, however, one of those.



  1. Looks like he’s waiting for two men to show up….:)
    Seriously, a theme of desolation and loneliness like a still from a Maya Deren film, or of solitude like the photos of PaJaMa.

  2. I agree that it’s got a lonely and sad vibe going for it. It reminds me of the guys who frequented the dunes on Fire Island. They were all getting sick and it was before testing. 40 years later and I still can’t shake those feelings when I see a picture like this.

  3. I like it, I am not seeing lonely but quiet solitude. After Xmas shopping today I am enjoying my solitude! Lol.
