
Sunday, December 30, 2018

I really like this photo of an older miner, plus there's an added bonus for you underwear fans.


  1. I notice that your miners have a locker to store their clothes. The miners in Belgium hung their clothes on a hook and then hung them up on the ceiling of the locker rooms to avoid theft. A padlock was enough to prevent them from coming down from the ceiling. I do not know if this kind of hanging cloakroom was typical of Belgium. If you want, I have some pictures of what I tell you. Tell me how I can send them to you. You have my e-mail address.
    Je remarque que tes mineurs ont un casier pour stocker leurs vêtements. Les mineurs en Belgique acccrochaient leurs vêtements à un crochet , puis les suspendaient au plafond des vestiaires pour éviter les vols. Il suffisait d'un cadenas pour interdire de les descendre du plafond. Je ne sais pas si ce genre de vestiaire suspendu était typique à la Belgique. Si tu veux, j'ai quelques photos de ce que je te dis. Dis-moi comment je peux te les envoyer. Tu as mon adresse e-mail.

    1. I have seen the ceiling hanging arrangements for miner's clothes on other websites, but you can send me pictures using the contact form on the right side of this page. Thanks!
