
Thursday, December 6, 2018

Subscription and contact now available

I am slowly, but surely, learning about and adding features to this site.  There is a whole string of various information gadgets in the right side margin and at the bottom of the opening page, but I want to call particular attention to two important communication tools.

First, at the top of the right side is the Contact Form.  This differs from tumblr messaging in that contact is done via email, rather than internally.  Neither your email address nor email content will be made public or put on any mailing lists.  If you are not comfortable with this, you may communicate with me via the comments at the bottom of each post.  I do allow anonymous or pseudonym comments, and the Google Blogger format allows replies to specific comments.  I am currently moderating comments, so I will read them all.  I may drop moderation soon, but I will still read all comments.

Second, there is a Follow by Email box at the bottom of the opening page.  Just put your email address in the box and click "Submit" to receive a brief email notification whenever I post something new, which is generally at least daily.  This will put your email on my private blog mailing list, but no others.  As with the Contact Form, your email will not be public, but if you follow with a screen name it will appear on the followers list.  I have also added a simple Follow button which streamlines following for Google account holders.

This is a new start, and I will no doubt be making more additions and modifications as I go along.  Please stay in touch, and thanks for following.

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