
Saturday, January 19, 2019

I call this exceptional Doug Juleff photo "Adonis on the Halfshell."  It is a beautiful example of this artist's skill with just the right amount of light hitting just the right places.  The model's name is unknown, but I hope he escaped the depredations of the Detroit Police.  The police raid was said to have been prompted by the fact that a police officer had posed nude for Juleff, and
word got back to the head of the vice squad.


  1. After the raid Mr.Juleff closed shop. Some of his models had their lives ruined and Mr.Juleff blamed himself and felt bad for many years afterward. A few years before he died, he was sought out and his photos were displayed in a gallery and also published in a book. At least he was able to enjoy some recognition of his work - the art of photography.

  2. A touch of the surreal with a handsome and physically beautiful model.
    Touche Mr. Juleff - Rj in the IE

  3. He looks like handsome tv actor Tony Dow, incredible resemblance !
    A beautiful youth in his glory, like an unwrapped gift or box of candy.
    Juleff created a fantastic image, genius....:)

  4. Oui, comme un cadeau ! Un cadeau de Douglas pour nous. Une si belle image de jeunesse, beau physique et beau visage. (Il ressemble a Tony Dow, j'ai regard son image)

    Gentilhomme a Paris
