
Friday, January 25, 2019

Juan Navarro Munoz made this drawing of three men in Madrid in 1760.  This is one of 
those times I wish another student had drawn the same models 
from a different angle because I'd really like to see more.


  1. Indeed! But can you imagine 3 guys holding this pose for a drawing class? How long can you hold still with another guy's hand in your crotch? The scene does stir one's imagination.

  2. Beau dessin. Une fois, j'ai pose nue comme ca avec duex autres modeles. C'etait deficile! Nous nous sommes amuses a poser et, de maniere embarrassante, nous sommes tous devenus excites et engorges.
    L'artiste nous avertis avec un sourire.

    Gentilhomme a Paris
