
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

My Belgian friends Jean and Albert might appreciate our Wednesday lagniappe twofer featuring Sam Hunter and Keith Stephan on the cover of the Belgian edition of Muscles.  Most bodybuilding magazines distributed their French version in Belgium, but this was apparently a primarily Belgian project that was also distributed in France, Switzerland, and the Netherlands.


  1. Thank you for this little attention for your two Belgian friends, Jerry!
    When I look at the price of this magazine 15 Belgian francs (US $ 0.30), I guess I was not old enough to watch these beautiful muscular gentlemen !!!
    For this kind of magazine today, I think I should multiply this price by 60 or 70 !!!! The date is not indicated, but I suppose that this book dates from the fifties ...
    Merci pour cette petite attention pour tes deux amis belges, Jerry!
    Quand je regarde le prix de ce magazine 15 francs belges (0.30US$), je suppose que je n'avais pas encore l'âge de regarder ces beaux messieurs musclés!!!
    Pour ce genre de magazine aujourd'hui, je crois que je devrais multiplier ce prix par 60 ou 70 !!!! La date n'est pas indiquée, mais je suppose que ce livre date des années '50 ...

    1. Le magazine a été publié de (pas certain) 1948 à 1969 (certain) . Bonne journée . Jean

    2. Personnellement, je n'ai jamais vu cette revue dans les librairies, mais je suppose qu'ils étaient présentés dans des rayonnages élevés, hors de la portée de mon regard. En 1968, je n'avais que 13 ans. Merci Jean. Albert
      Personally, I have never seen this magazine in bookstores, but I suppose they were presented in high shelving, out of the reach of my eyes. In 1968, I was only 13 years old. Thank you Jean. Albert

  2. And it was almost a onr man show . The owner ( I cannot remember his name) did almost all tha job and the magazine did not survive his death . Thanks Jerry !

  3. Some more info : the magazine was founded after WW2 by a guy named Henri Garsou , the whole publication process was made in his private home in Andrimont , near Liege , South of Belgium . Mr. Garsou died accidently (drowing) while vacationing in 1969 and unfortunately the publication was stopped immediately .

  4. Cover photo taken at the Sol Wurtzel estate in Bel Air CA. Home built in 1931 by architect Wallace Neff. And yes, the home is still standing.

  5. En couleur, j'adore l' ces beaux hommes. Ils sont magnifiques.
    Monsieur Stephan et Monsieur Hunter semblent si compatibles, l'homme
    blond avec l'homme forte. J'espere au moins qu'ils etaient amis.

    Gentilhomme a Paris
