
Monday, March 11, 2019

Fred Kovert (1901-1949) was better known as Kovert of Hollywood and was a silent era movie actor who appeared mostly in "gag drag" roles.  When his movie career dried up, he started making and selling male nude photographs.  While most of his peers focused on bodybuilders and did a brisk trade with legal physique magazines in addition to illegal nudes, Kovert did not seem interested in photographing men in shorts or posing straps.  After over a decade of perusing vintage websites, I have yet to find a clothed Kovert model or even a demure derriere shot.  Active from the 1930's through 1949, he was one of the first purveyors of male nudes to face legal harassment in the post-war period.  Arrested several times between 1946 and 1948, he was facing financial ruin and yet more legal charges when he took his life in 1949.  Never forget those who suffered for our freedom.


  1. Mr Kovert was known at the time of being fey and harmless. It would be like
    harassing a lady. The cops must have been proud of themselves.

    1. A significant portion of the LA cops at the time (and for some time after) were a corrupt and brutal gang of bullies.

    2. Thank you for responding to my above comment.
      Back in the 1950s my grandmother managed the Ile De France bar in Los Angeles for her son-in law. She always respected the police UNTIL that time. She quickly learned how corrupt, deceitful and duplicitous the police could be. And this was during Chief Parker's so called "reforms".
      Her experiences left her wondering who the real criminals are.
