
Friday, April 5, 2019

I've always wondered who (or what) the man in left background was.  Of course, the eye is immediately drawn to the young man on the sofa, but that other bit left me wondering.


  1. Toute cette série de photo des années '20 me laisse perplexe. Je trouve que dans chacun de ces clichés, il y a toujours une inconnue. Soit quelque chose en trop ou un élément manquant. Pourquoi ces poses? Les modèles ont l'air d'être attirés par un élément hors de la photo ou un élément est de trop (comme cet homme presque caché qui semble être un voyeur ). Je trouve ça troublant, à la limite, je suis mal à l'aise en regardant ces photos...
    All this photo series of the twenties is puzzling. I find that in each of these clichés, there is always an unknown. Either something extra or something missing. Why these poses? The models seem to be attracted by an element out of the photo or an element is too much (like this almost hidden man who seems to be a voyeur). I find it disturbing, at the limit, I'm uncomfortable looking at these pictures ...

    1. Albert, I received a note through the contact form that says that this photo was made in a Paris Bordello, and that the man on the couch was a male prostitute. Does that context make your feeling better . . . or worse?

  2. In the photo is a call boy. I have no doubt about it.

  3. I noticed the nude female figure ashtray on the table and it looks very much like a Frankart piece from the last 20s early 30s. I guess it’s possible that it was imported to France.

    1. Thanks, that's yet another bit of mystery attached to this photo.

  4. He was a very good boy and then became a very naughty man.
    He lies on his divan waiting for the men and then,
    he brings alive their desire and the publics ire.
    He puts on airs of being in control, but then it takes its terrible toll.
    He can suck and f**k with the best of them,
    but wishes he was at his mother's hem.
    There he lies on his divan, waiting for another man.
    -Rj in the IE

  5. The Damascene table with its mysterious box (cocaine or opium?)
    The strange portrait of a clothed man (why?)
    The oriental carpet on the back wall (Circassian or Persian?)
    The naked, handsome young man on the floral divan, upfront and center.
    (Who shall he pleasure?)
    Yes, the scene from a French bordello for gay men (Paris or Marseille?)
    -Rj in the IE

  6. He is a careless syphilitic to the judgmental.
    A used throwaway for the impotent and insolent wealthy man.
    A companion for the virile and arrogant working man.
    A desired lover of lonely sailors and soldiers.
    A rough plaything of the sick and perverse.
    The young man on the divan, in the Maison de Plaisir.
    -Rj in the IE

  7. Un hombre muy atractivo que sin duda era un favorito seleccionado.
    La fotografía cuidadosamente compuesta lo dice todo.
    Una escena chillona común en los burdeles que atendían a ciertos hombres en Barcelona (barrio chino), Marsella, Casablanca (bousbir), Rio de Janeiro (copa) y Buenos Aires (la boca) allá por las décadas de 1920 y 1930.
