
Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Christian Ferrand, Dominique Quillet, and an unknown model showed off their spiffy swim suits in this Ferrero beach photo.  Considering that he worked mostly in the Riviera region of France, Ferrero did relatively few photo shoots on beaches.  Surely there were nude beaches in France in the 60's?  Edited to add:  My good friend and collaborator, 2fourneausm has tentatively identified the mystery model as Christian Marchaudon, and I think he's right.  Thanks, Jean!


  1. I believe the unknown model to be Christian Marchaudon (not a Ferrero's regular) but not 100% sure ...

    1. I googled him, and I think you're right! Very good, Jean. Thanks!

  2. J'avais l'habitude de porter des maillots de bain comme ceux-ci quand j'eteais adolescente. Plus tarde, j'ai porte le style bikini. Cette photo a peut-etre ete prise lors d'un concours physique. Les trois hommes etaient des bodybuilders bien connus en France. Les photos de Ferrero complimentaient toujours le physique, so gentil.

    Getilhomme a Paris
