
Sunday, September 29, 2019

Georg Lurich was an Estonian wrestler and strong man who had a brilliant career 
only to die of typhoid during the Russian Civil War.  Although I finally found two reputable websites which say this full on nude is authentic and not photoshopped, I still have my doubts.


  1. Kabinettkarten, so beliebt mit ihren Bildern von starken Mannern und Wrestlern, die beide mit Feigenblattern bedeckt und nackt sind. Aktbilder waren damals auch Europa beliebt. Dies ist wahrscheinlich ein Faksimile von jemandes Wunsch.

  2. Did they have photoshopping back then? It looks real enough to me, but I am by no means expert.

    1. Not back then. At that point they didn't really even have retouching or airbrush methods good enough to do that. If this was a tech fake, it was recent.
