
Sunday, October 20, 2019

Wrestling Day, Part 1 - Physique Models

It's wrestling day, and we'll start with these two unidentified models on Bob Mizer's AMG roof.


  1. Wow...stunning image and magnificent pose. Like the way they are just booted..

  2. Comme le dit le message de l'inconnu, cette photo est magnifique! Les modèles très virils, le mec soulevé avec son cul poilu et apparement bien ouvert, la pose est exceptionnelle égalemet, le lutteur à l'arrière plan est superbement musclé? la plus belle photo de la série (selon moi)
    As the message of the unknown says, this photo is beautiful! The models very manly, the guy raised with his hairy ass and apparently open, the pose is exceptional also, the wrestler in the background is superbly muscular? the most beautiful picture of the series (in my opinion)
