
Tuesday, December 3, 2019

J. Brian took an unusual approach with this unknown model on a bar stool.
Edited to add:  See comment by jsstrand below for some interesting info.


  1. I have a different pose of him also with the number 304 at the bottom - I'm assuming that it's an identification for the set rather than the individual picture - I have him identified as Rhhn St.James and yes that is with two "h"s - he bears a striking resemblence to Colt model Erron -

  2. Replies
    1. I wondered about that, too, but it is spelled that way in a highly regarded academic archive of physique photography. I have to say that jsstrand has always been a great source of accurate information and a big help to me. He knows his stuff.

    2. I wouldn't worry about it too much.

  3. This reminds me of the old joke, "How do you get 4 gay guys on a bar stool?" you turn it over. LOL
