
Thursday, June 18, 2020

Norm Tousley worked for several golden age physique photographers,
but this one is unattributed in my database and on line.


  1. As you know, Norm made the rounds. He did a lot of photos for David Martin and I suspect this is one of them. Just a hunch, though.

  2. When I see a photo of Norm Tousley, I think of Reverend Brown's sermon in "Coming to America." There is a gawd!!

    1. I've read believable reports that Norm was working as a fireman in Alameda, California when Dave Martin discovered him. I'd let him carry me out of a burning building any day. (Actually, I'd let anybody carry me out of a burning building. One can't be picky in such situations.) Martin was also said to have photographed a few Bay Area policemen, too, but I haven't seen any of them identified. Maybe they are among is "unknown" models.

    2. I completely forgot that he was a fireman. He served on the Alameda Fire Department for 25 years and retired at the rank of Lieutenant in 1974

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