
Tuesday, November 24, 2020

I think this is lifted from the AMG movie Boy Factory, 
but I don't know the models' or the dog's names.



  1. Jerry, pourrais-tu me donner l'adresse de ce beau vétérinaire? Ma petite "Lady" (Yorshire) doit bientôt aller pour ses vaccins. J'aimerais être reçu par un vétérinaire comme celui-ci. Si je dois me mettre nu aussi, cela ne me dérange pas, mon petit chien m'a déjà vu nu, tu sais LOL
    Jerry, could you give me the address of this handsome vet? My little "Lady" (Yorshire) has to go for her shots soon. I would like to be seen by a vet like this. If I have to get naked too I don't mind my little dog seen me naked before you know LOL

    1. Something tells me that they are no longer in business, Albert. Too bad, really.

  2. Not from Boy Factory. Good guess,though. The guy on the left is Bob Bryson. I think this was a film that was never released.

    1. Yes, Albert wants it to be a vet clinic . . . that he can visit, lol. Thanks!
