
Monday, November 2, 2020

If the photographer was going for a mirror-like reflection of those lovely bums, he missed the mark.
He did, however, manage to capture something special for the Bum Brigade.
(Albert, I know they're not at all hairy, but you can't complain about the shapes.)



  1. Replies
    1. It is. There are multiple photos of them at this pool with that particular wall. Handsome lads from any side!

    2. Nice to know, Tom. Now I need to do some searches. Thanks!

  2. Jerry, je te remercie pour cette photo superbe. Ils n'ont pas l'air très poilu, mais vu de plus près et en écartant un peu les parties les plus charnues, je ne suis pas sûr que l'intérieur est tout à fait sans poil. Je regarde la couleur des cheveux et beaucoup ony la chevelure très noire.. donc normalement... ( n'oublies pas que tu as à faire ç un expert Belge) ! LOL
    Jerry, thank you for this superb photo. They don't look very hairy, but when viewed up close and pulling out the fleshier parts a bit, I'm not sure the inside is quite hairless. I look at the color of the hair and a lot of the hair is very black .. so normally ... (don't forget that you have to do this a Belgian expert)! LOL
