
Sunday, November 8, 2020

This model is in a typical bodybuilding flex pose, and his hair is epic 1950s.



  1. I like how the pompadour just makes it more ridiculous.

  2. Model appears to be Tom Talbot.

  3. Un Adonis blond des annees 1950. Son physique jeune, son phallus non coupe, son bronage et son joli pompadour en font une image memorable.
    Juleff a du le decouvrir apres le lycee en ete.
    Ca me rappelle mon propre physique a 18 ans.

    Gentilhomme a Paris

  4. I'm kind of surprised by him being more than half hard and that his arm pits aren't shaved. I know most of them didn't shave their pubes but obviously many of them did shave their balls and I thought a lot of them shaved their pits? My goodness, he sure is a beautiful man. I love the hair. The 50s really had some incredible hair styles for men.
