
Friday, January 15, 2021

Bob's Naked Guys is taking a break

For the followers of this blog who have expressed concern about the disappearance of Bob's Naked Guys, I have some news.  A reliable person who has been in direct contact with Bob has informed me that he is taking a break from blogging and may return at a later date.  I will help spread the word when that happens, hopefully soon.  Meanwhile, here is another of his photos that you might enjoy.  My family had a console radio like that when I was a kid.  Vacuum tube audio sounded great.



  1. Good news...
    We also had what we call a radiogram rather like that. It played 78s and 16s. Also an FM radio that was new then.

  2. I just had a lot going on for a while. Thanks to all who expressed concern I am humbled.

    1. Glad you're back, Bob! Thanks for checking in here.

    2. I remember the smell of it as it heated up

    3. Wow, now that you mention it, the tubes did have a smell when warming.
