
Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Dave Martin Day, Part 1 - Back to Nudes in the Great Outdoors

The last time I did a Dave Martin double feature, the nudes were all examples of his studio work.  This time around, I'm heading back to the great outdoors.  We start with Chuck Strong.



  1. Replies
    1. LOL! So true, and I didn't even label it as "Bush." How silly of me.

  2. Serious question, because we see it all the time with bodybuilders. What's the purpose of sucking in the gut so much it looks like a concavity?

    1. Oh, do I ever agree. Sometimes it is actually grotesque and I can't bring myself to post a picture for that reason alone. Seriously. I think there was (and is) a dreadful fear of having a pot belly in modeling/bodybuilding circles, and it's over compensation.

  3. They're called vaccuum poses and became popular in the 40's through the 60's. It was a fashion/vanity pose that a lot of bodybuilders couldn't do. As we've all seen this practice was carried out in the extreme. Most of the overly steroided bodybuilders can barely suck their guts in today.

    1. Wow...
      Thanks for the response. Because as the little catchy NBC motto says: "The more you know."
