
Saturday, July 17, 2021

My only AMG

This is the only photo in my Freddie Shields collection that isn't attributed to Kovert and isn't a frontal nude.  That's right . . . no other posing strap shots and no derrieres.  I can't imagine Bob Mizer having taken only one picture of such an outstanding model.  We can console ourselves, however, with the fact that this one shows off his fur and gives us that tantalizing edge of bush around the strap.
And then there's that smile.  Freddie has a such a great smile.



  1. Jerry, is that background one of those "crystal punchbowl" shots? Too bad he is restrained by a strap,'s impossible to not enjoy that smile.

  2. Would be interesting to know a bio on Freddie.

    1. Indeed. I tried to looking him up using my genealogical resources, but nothing seemed to fit except for a Fred Shields in LA who was married (and divorced) several times in the right time frame to have been our Freddie.
