
Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Leonard Chambers (1929-1956) - Part 2, Non-nudes

Part two of my homage to Leonard Chambers starts with a Bob Mizer/AMG sunlight shot that can only be called striking.  Although he took no frontal nudes of Leonard that I know of, Bob Mizer must have been quite taken with him.  I say that not only because he memorialized him with front page piece in Physique Pictorial, but because there are more photos of Leonard (56!) in my huge AMG collection than any other model I can think of.  He was simply that good, and Mizer knew it.



  1. Man, Jerry, you really hit home for my lighting obsession by posting this.

    1. The lighting and the fact that it makes his body look absolutely chiseled make this one great.

  2. Leonard Chambers had the distinct advantage of a beautifully proportioned skeleton and had the wisdom not to exaggerate any particular part of his physique, giving a very harmonious effect - as this study shows, given that it deliberately distorts perspective.

    1. I agree, and it's such a contrast to the grotesque shapes we see in modern bodybuilding.
