
Monday, August 9, 2021

Measuring up

Larry K. sent me this photo from a French website long ago.  I have to say that
the guy at center isn't the best specimen, but the others look pretty good.



  1. He almost looks tubercular, doesn't he? Any idea how old this pic is? It's pretty discoloured.

    1. Almost "consumptive," as my Granny used to say. Hard to date this one. The picture certainly looks quite old, but the cut of the jacket on the examiner looks mid-20th C.

    2. My copy of the photo is in a subfolder labeled "1930s-1950s Army recruits," so I think Jerry is right with his mid-century guess. I don't think the French website that I got it from listed the exact date, or I would have noted it. –Larry

    3. Thanks for the dating span, Larry!

  2. Ce garçon est mince, mais ce n'est pas pour cela qu'il est malade, j'étais beaucoup plus mince que lui à son âge et en parfaite santé (1,98m/ 68kg).
    Merci pour cette belle série, Jerry. Tu sais combien j'apprécie les photos en dehors des studios de photos.
    This boy is thin, but that's not why he is sick, I was much thinner than him at his age and in perfect health (1.98m / 68kg).
    Thank you for this great series, Jerry. You know how much I appreciate the photos outside the photo studios

    1. I was very skinny as a young man, too, Albert. Glad you enjoyed the series!

  3. Most human males are lean until 30 y of age. Then due to slower metabolism (peak metabolism is at 18 y) and eating too much or wrong foods, alcohol intake, cigarette smoking and no or little exercise, android fat increases. There is also a strong genetic factor which is why some people we know always look lean and others struggle not to put on weight. In males that fat is abdominal (around abdominal organs first and then more generally second) and gluteofemoral. That's why young guys tend to have rounded well shaped butts. As we get older fat accumulates around the gluteal muscles and upper leg muscles and our butts lose that curve and definition. By age 40 if we eat the same amount of healthy food, and don't exercise we will put on weight (1-2%) every year. So we have to increase our exercise and reduce our calorie intake to remain svelte.

    1. Yeah, you don't have to tell me about it, lol.

    2. to précis the flow he is a fine looking skinny young male beauty. J

    3. Tes messages sont très intéressants, Thomas. Es-tu dans le domaine médical?
      Your messages are very interesting, Thomas. Are you in the medical field?
