
Thursday, September 23, 2021


Some of the best studio work Helmut Riedmeyer did was with Arax,
and I have three shots of him with a sword by that photographer.



  1. Do you think he shaved his chest? Hey, thanks for the "favourite shadow" shot, Jerry. Was he from Germany?

    1. Not sure about the chest. Yes, German, and still alive and well in Hamburg posting pics of his grandkids on Facebook.

  2. What a beautiful photo. Pure class. Helmut was a handsome guy and what a body. I know various people have mentioned this before but there really is no comparison between the impressive but natural looking physiques of bodybuilders such as Helmut and today's pumped up grotesques. Good to hear that he's alive and well in Hamburg.


    1. The abject aesthetic inferiority of modern competitive bodybuilders can never be stated too much, Peter. Thanks for adding your voice.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Monsieur Riedmeier, si contorverse dans le meleiu de bodybuilding des
    annees 1960. Aussi bien conne pour son phallus que pour son physique.
    On a dit que sa maniere de chevet et sa volonte de faire autant de photos de corps nu nuisaient a sa carriere de culturiste. Il n'a fait de mal a personne.
    Si triste, Helmut etait un magnifique phallus et tout.

    Gentilhomme a Paris

    1. I don't know of any model who was photographed in more situations by more of the great photographers than Herr Riedmeier. And he always looked fantastic! Sad to know his bodybuilding career was held back by his nude work. Today, I don't think anyone would be bothered by it. Still, he has had a long and happy life. The last I heard, he was alive and well in Hamburg, posting photos of his grandchildren on Facebook.
