
Sunday, October 3, 2021


Skip Johnson has on his bedroom eyes in this AMG photo.
FWIW, I must have photos of at least half a dozen models with that same tattoo.



  1. Maybe that tat was a "drawn on" type. Did they have those back then? Nice very light oil job.

    1. I think it's permanent tattoo as it appears in all my photos of him where it could be visible.

  2. Skip Johnson was a natural "Rugby build". When a student, I used occasionally to work for a local provincial department store, delivering white goods - known then as "consumer durables" - in their over-liveried van. (Yes, it was exactly like the British sitcom "Are You Being Served".) Whenever I see a picture of Skip Johnson, I remember one of the staff - an overdressed lady of about 4'6" bellow at the sight of a 6'5" hulk walking into the store, "Just imagine that weight on top of you!". Rachel Abergavenny "Betty" Slocombe had nothing on her... I nearly went off the road several times that day, cracking up with laughter.

    1. I remain a big fan of that show and Mrs. Slocombe. It had one of the best comedy ensembles ever.
