
Friday, February 11, 2022

Carter again

Something about the position of Mr. Lovisone's left foot 
caught my attention in this fine derriere shot.



  1. His foot does add something here, and his ass shows nicely against his tanned legs. A really cool shot of a really cool model, Jerry. Thanks!

  2. D'après ce que je sais dans le langage corporel, mettre son pied comme ça dans une position statique est un signe d'impatience...Il a un une belle paire de fesses, malgré qu'elles ne soient pas assez poilues à mon goût, mais je ferais bien une exception!! ;-)
    From what I know in body language, putting his foot like that in a static position is a sign of impatience...He has a nice pair of buttocks, although they aren't hairy enough for me. taste, but I would make an exception!! ;-)

    1. Glad to see you are flexible in your requirements, Albert.

  3. I would say he's, possibly out of habit, as I do it too, just doing one of his usual standing poses, but he just happens to also be talking on the 'phone.
