
Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Denny Denfield Day

It's Denny Denfield Day, and we'll start the show with a color desert view of Tom Mathews.



  1. His beautifully muscles torso shows clearly, thanks to (what I guess is) natural light. His groin appears to be clean shaven. Would Defined have required that?

    1. No, Denfield never required that to my knowledge. I think the light may be minimizing it.

  2. Wow. Utterly stunning. Colour adds a new dimension, less sculptural, more the living naked man before us. Beautiful pose too.

    1. It is. A variant on the classic staff. A very useful aide to posing.

  3. I have quite a few photos of Mr. Mathews, and this is the only one that looks like that. This was either a one off or the light is playing tricks.

  4. I did an enlargement, and a color analysis of the groin area, there are no pubes, unless they have exactly the same color as bare skin.
    There is a thin dark happy trail.
    Also using the drapes and curtains analogy, unless he dyes his hair dark, the pubes should be dark
    maybe a case of crabs?

  5. Roi du desert ! Tom Mathews, Superbe !

  6. Foto should have been taken at the edge of lake or at the ocean, the pose of a spear fisher. As far as Mathews shaved pubes, maybe from crabs, it was standard medical practice to shave the pubes and apply medicated lotion to the affected area during a course of treatment.....:)
