
Tuesday, March 1, 2022

At the Nudist Camp . . . Literally

For Tuesday, we will be looking at some nudists who are camping.  We start with 
two guys working on what looks like a giant home-made tinker toy project.



  1. Lol. Yeah, it kinda does look like that. But tinker toys are always more fun to play with if you're naked. Anything is more fun when you're naked, come to think of it.

  2. J'aime la complicité de ces deux mecs !!
    I love the complicity of these two guys!!

  3. Great shot. I'd love to do this sort of thing.

  4. My experience after viewing thousands of nudist photos over more than a decade is that the American magazines rarely showed overweight men . . . or women for that matter. I suspect that some sort of selective process was going on in the photo taking and/or publishing. Also, it is a fact that there were fewer chubby folks back then per capita than nowadays. The Germans were far more likely to feature hefty folk in their magazines.

  5. When I was at a Zuni WTP, they had a sign in changing area.
    Photography at pool, Cabin 3, today.

    See directions posted to avoid cameras, where to sign waivers.

  6. I agree about the contradiction there, but perhaps it was more a function of the publishers' and/or photographers' attitudes than the actual nudist associations.

  7. Bi father and husband here, i still take my two sons naked camping. They absolutely love it. Raising them in a nudist house.
