
Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Tent pole

Here we see a clever camper whose outstanding tent has already attracted a female.
I've cropped her out of the picture to keep Big Dude from being disappointed.



  1. Jerry, You are a prince. It's sad to think those beautiful low hangers are wasted on a female...He's a handsome looking devil, isn't he?

  2. Ce qui me réconforte un peu, c'est qu'il n'a pas l'air très excité par la femme, il est certainement gay. Avec une paire de couilles comme ça , ce serait triste de les gâcher avec une femme LOL
    What comforts me a little is that he doesn't seem very turned on by the woman, he is certainly gay. With a pair of balls like that, it would be sad to waste them on a woman LOL

  3. Beautiful low hangers. Dare I say...I'm sure the whole picture, including his lady friend, is delightful. He has such a sweet expression.

    1. I agree on all points, and in deference to inclusiveness as well as by request, I will soon feature some mixed gender nudist photos. It's only fair.
