
Thursday, December 29, 2022

My favorite Muybridge model

Our last Muybridge image of the set is my favorite middle-aged, 
balding, slightly chubby, mustachioed model heaving a big rock.



  1. Now that could have been dangerous. I'm not one of those mamby-pamby Health & Safety types - some of what we got up to when I was running would be needlessly illegal today - but in all seriousness, let's hope he didn't drop that rock on his toes!

    1. Right. Some of Muybridge's fellow photographers who did artists' studies at about the same time can be shown to have used fake rocks. Being a stickler for scientific accuracy, it's a pretty safe bet he used the real thing.

  2. This is from Animal Locomotion, plate 312, called "Heaving a 75-lb. rock," so the rock is definitely not fake. The model is listed as model #39 in the catalogue of plates. I've been able to identify some of Muybridge's models, but not #39.

    1. Being my favorite, I had fond hope that somehow his name was known. Oh, well. Thanks again for all your great info, Larry!

  3. Before enlarging the shot, I thought he was getting ready to throw some sort of ball.
