Remember Mr. Peabody, the professorial beagle, and his pet boy, Sherman? They had a thing called the Wayback Machine that took them back in time. Today, I'm going back to my earliest days of collecting digital vintage images. I just rediscovered an old file folder on a storage disc (remember those?) that dates from my first forays into internet vintage sites. We'll start with military men, and in coming weeks we'll take a gander at some other topical items.
I'll be looking forward to these posts, Jerry. You always do a great job in emphasizing the handsomeness of the male body.
ReplyDeleteOh, and I sure do remember the Way back Machine!
ReplyDeleteI loved the intro where they marched through history, and a scruffy guy followed them sweeping up confetti.
DeleteI love the pink bow tie! But before the Evangelical Alliance accuse Jay Ward Productions of subliminal propaganda to undermine the foundations of Christian civilization, Mr Peabody was NOT gay.
ReplyDeleteThere was enough other subliminal stuff in that cartoon show to keep the EA busy for years . . . if they were intelligent enough to spot it, which they aren't.
DeleteI've always thought that this cartoon was the inspiration for Pinky and the Brain-Dee Exx
ReplyDeleteProbably had something to do with it.
DeleteAh, the days of Saturday morning cartoons. Ward did great with the Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends show (59-61) I saw it as reruns in the mid-latter 60s.
ReplyDeleteMister Peabody was wagna cum laude!...:)