
Sunday, February 12, 2023

By the front door

Jim Stryker looks like he's standing outside a New York apartment door.  (Clue:  Three locks was typical in New York in the early 1960s.  By 1975, it was more like six.)


1 comment:

  1. Is that come hither look an invitation to pick his lock? Which one would you choose?

    I have to confess that I find Jim Stryker's looks very disconcerting because he is the spitting image of a friend of mine. One of those straight men who are so straight they couldn't give an airborne liaison what gay men get up to. I remember once taking him a cup of tea when he was in the bath. He had no false modesty. I told him to stop staring at me like that because he reminded me of Jim Stryker. "Who's Jim Stryker?" he asked. "A very promiscuous gay model," I replied. He just guffawed with laughter.
