
Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Frank and Tennessee

This is Frank "the Horse" Merlo and Tennessee Williams.
I wonder how Frank ever got such a nickname.



  1. I remember Tennessee Williams give a television interview where he talked very openly about his relationship with Frank Merlo. He was definitely on a streetcar named desire when it came to Frank.

  2. Like pretty much all of your content, this Celebrity Valentine Couples series is
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  3. Il semble que Monsieur Williams cherchait toujours un homme pour remplacer son bien-aime Kip Kiernan. 'The Horse' pouvait satisfaire physiqument, mais pas emotionnellement comme Kip.

    Gentilhomme a Paris

    1. I wish I knew more about Kip. The relationship with "The Horse" was turbulent from what I've read.

  4. Kip Kiernan/Bernard Dubowsky was a Canadian draft dodger when he met Williams in Provincetown in 1940. Williams described Kip as the love of his life and waxed poetically about Kip's green eyes and well-formed ass. (Kip was studying ballet) They were together a month or so and broke up. In 1944 Kip died from brain cancer....:)
