
Thursday, February 23, 2023




I had to use the Physique Pictorial annotated version of this photo.
Bob Mizer had a lot to say about Jerry "Rocky" Wheless.


  1. Replies
    1. Rocky Wheless made 2 AMG short films with a "Upton" and "Stewart" in 1979 but I have never been able to determine who those Men were.? One film was called "Wheless,Upton and Stewart" and the other was "Wheless & Stewart." Wheless made a total of 4 AMG short films at AMG in 1979.

    2. Big Dude, if you click on the AMG label at right, there is a previous post there with all the codes. I suggest you save it for future reference because it is a lot of fun to go back and translate the squiggles.

  2. As opposed to most physique photographers, Bob Mizer did indeed try to cater for all tastes, although this particular genre now seems amateurish compared with what came after. I remember Gay's The Word bookshop in Bloomsbury - very much London's literary quarter - had what was always quaintly referred to as a "spanky" section. Anything that wasn't bona fide literature or strictly vanilla was deemed "spanky" however hard it was. But it was most certainly not a porn shop. At the height of Thatcher's premiership, they were of course raided and thousands of pounds of stock confiscated. Charges of importing indecent material were brought but eventually dropped. Gore Vidal made some very waspish remarks and donated £3,000 - not an inconsiderable sum for the time - to the defence fund. What was so telling about it all was that the serious gay literature was targeted, not the "spanky" stuff, which was so typical of the Thatcher years. You didn't have to go very far among the Conservative Party backbenchers to find "spanky". What hypocrites they were.

    1. Well, those bigots were politicians, which in most contexts is a synonym for hypocrite. I'm not surprised that Gore Vidal was front and center with helping the booksellers. He was that kind of guy.

  3. A couple of comments:

    To my knowledge this is the ONLY time I've seen the double arrow at two o'clock. I don't know what it means, though.

    I saw this bondage film with Rocky struggling with chains. Although it's not showing here, Rocky got turned on by the situation. There is no question he really enjoyed the experience.

    To answer Cambria's question: Rock's two opponents were Rodger Upton and Jim Stewart.

    1. One source I read said that doubling up on the symbols meant extra or "in spades." So I suppose that made Rocky a very typical male.

    2. If you believe the Dark Web version of the Bob Mizer symbols that Arrow at 2pm meant that the Man was single and claimed to like Women. (The Man could still have sex with Men despite the 2 pm arrow) A double Arrow at 2pm would mean the Man claimed to like Women very often maybe excessively. The other symbols indicated Rocky was Greek Passive with Men and was an experienced Hustler.

  4. JIM STEWART was AKA Jim Stewart Jr. and Ken Alexander and Tom Kent in the 1970s porn publications. JIM sang for the Metropolitan Community Chuch Choir in Los Angeles. Physique Pictorial Vol. 21 Jul. 1972 pg. 16. Thank you James for letting me know.!

  5. Born in Goldsboro, NC in 1950? Wow, that's not far from me, and he might still be around... time to research!

    1. There's a good chance he's still living, but less of a chance he's back in NC. Probably family there, though.
