
Sunday, February 5, 2023

Lionel Strongfort

Lionel Strongfort was both a successful stage performer and a fitness 
and health entrepreneur whose books sold well.  The photo is from 1901.



  1. The trunks are standard issue... men would wear them in gymnasia and other all-male spaces. Here we have the Classical sandals again. I think they look good. I think this would have been an "advert" card to attract men into indoor sports and bodybuilding. The background is very professionally done.

    1. Yes, this would definitely have been a very professional job for promotional purposes. Mr. Strongfort could have easily afforded it.

  2. Vor Jack Lalane und Charles Atlas gab es John Strongfort, einen der pionere des trainings und Korperkultur.

  3. An older Uncle umintimated to me that all those "went to see the strong man at the circus" stories when I was a kid had a 2nd part.
    They would often sell pics like this, ad a side hustle, then, shoo out the ladies, and then perform a short routine, in front of the men (and boys,) nude. Often as classical statuary poses.
    Some sold nude photos to this stag audience.

    1. Thank you for pointing out a little known side gig that some of these performers engaged in. Selling nude photos was fairly rare, but it was done. It was far more common to simply have private shows.
