
Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Seed sower

I think this fellow is sowing seed.



  1. I bet he looks great as the sun moves round.

    1. Right, and I can't imagine a situation where he wouldn't look great.

  2. Albin Polasek. "The Sower", 1911. Chicago Botanic Garden.

    You are, as always Jerry, right about him sowing seed. This is one of Polasek's first works, when he was age 32. When the museum placed it near the entrance way, it caused a major uproar, with politicians and religious leaders demanding its removal. It was declared obscene because of the exposed penis. The museum took the case to Court and won. After a few decades, however, it was removed to the museum's basement.

    Some have noted that his legs seem a bit shorter in proportion to his upper body. Others say that a laborer, used to carrying heavy loads, would have had a sturdier, somewhat larger upper body. Yet others believe that Polasek just picked a less than perfect model. Personally, I think he's just about perfect. ;-)

  3. Yes, there were, and still are groups that oppose such displays. Unfortunately they are getting even more powerful, at least here in the United States.

    1. Sadly true. The thought police are rearing their ugly heads.
