
Sunday, February 19, 2023

Unknown men with ball props by Bruce

I'm too cheap to buy recognition software and too lazy to go trolling through my
 hundreds and hundreds of Bruce photos.  (Google Images search hasn't proven too
 helpful at IDing physique models.)  So today's feature is all unknown (to me) men 
by Bruce of LA with ball props.  If past experience is any indication, some helpful 
viewers will be able to give names for at least some of them.  Our first model
is standing on his tiptoes on that well known seagrass mat.



  1. I don't recall seeing him before, but you guys are far more experienced at IDing these males. I do like the lighting and pose.

  2. Every time I see seagrass I think of that ad hominem remark someone made about former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi's hair transplant looking like coconut matting. I wonder if he is gazing at the Scillies in the blue far away...

  3. Love his wavy hair and the way Bellas made him stand on his tip-toes to help accentuate his physique. That mat of Bellas must be one of the most famous props in physique culture history along with Lons columns. Those props should be in the Smithsonian just like Archie Bunkers chair....:)

    1. I agree about the props, and if the Smithsonian is researching the provenance of gay couples photos, why not?

    2. Right wing pressure groups would have their say and put a stop to it. They're banning books, threatening and getting teachers fired, trying to put women and minorities 'in their place', in denial about the unsavory facts of our nation's history, etc. And they're getting away with it !...:(
