
Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Young love

All I can say about these two 1950s young men is that they are quite charming.
Oh, and the car is quite nice, too.  The horseshoe is either a joke or a good luck piece.



  1. Ah, young love... The horseshoe should be upward, not downward... all the luck will fall out!

  2. L'adorable hommes et leur Ford de 1937. Doux et charmants, ils ont tous les deux eu beaucoup de chance de s'avoir.

    Gentilhomme a Paris

  3. Happy lookin' couple and the 37 Ford is so iconic in car loving America.
    At the beginning of the Great Depression, Hoover felt poor people in America weren't so poor because many of them owned a car. Hence his reluctance to help and very belated reaction to deal with the depression. Hoover was a proponent of foreign aid and yet couldn't bring himself to aid the American people in their desperate time of need :(....:)

    1. Hoover was a great humanitarian during World War I, but as president he was clueless.

    2. Andrew Mellon was Hoover's Secretary of the Treasury and a bad adviser. He thought American workers could sink or swim and farmers and businesses should get no relief. Speculation on Wall Street was to blame, never mind that Mellon's policies encouraged that speculation....:)
