
Wednesday, March 1, 2023

1957 Vim

Mike made the cover of Vim in 1957.  As it says, "Photo by Martin."



  1. This looks almost like his face was purposely darkened. Developing? Or age of the shot?

    1. Could have been intentional. I find it artistic and mysterious.

  2. "Vim"... Latin accusative of vis, "strength, force, power, vigor, energy". America had a physique magazine featuring a perfectly proportioned Mike Sill before an epic panorama, while we in Britain had an abrasive powder for scouring pans before the days of Teflon. Ajax, a grandson of Zeus and second only to Achilles as a hero of Homer's Iliad in the Trojan War, was its rival. There are advantages of living in less Classically educated times. At least we have been spared Persephone fabric softener and Poseidon lavatory cleaner. What a superb photograph.

    1. We have Ajax cleaner, too. After my cousin and I forgot to take our toothbrushes on a five day camping trip, my mother scolded us upon our return, finishing with, "You two should brush your teeth with Ajax to catch up." We did. Mama was horrified and told us she hadn't really meant it. It didn't seem to hurt us, and our teeth really sparkled.

    2. Strange you should mention that... Early on in my working life, I had a colleague who was the third of the Attenborough brothers - to actor Richard and naturalist David, of whom he was very critical, for good reason. (What I know about those two would make your hair curl.) He had trained as a dentist but was struck off having suffered a brain embolism and lost the use of an eye. Having taken a tumble in life through no fault of his own he was on his second marriage, his first wife resentful that she couldn't buy at least three pairs of shoes a week. He was one of the most philosophical - and nicest - of men I have ever met: "I'm just grateful to be alive..." He told me of a patient he once had who had the most swollen and inflamed gums he had ever seen. He prescribed this and that to no avail. He couldn't work it out until one day, this oaf of a man turned round and said, "Well, it's alright if I brush my teeth with Vim, isn't it?" He only sighed and said, "It takes all sorts to make a world" which, of course, it does. You had a lucky escape.

    3. Well, at least it was a one off for my cousin and me. Now you've got me curious about those Attenborough brothers.

  3. Every time I see covers like this, I imagine shy young men, summoning up enough courage to go up to the magazine stand and buy a copy. Yes, a lovely, mysterious quality. The line of Mike's neck is particularly nice. I'd love to see the original. I'm wondering if it could have been nude? With the pouch waistband added and editing at the front? Just an idea.

    1. Dave Martin didn't often use posing straps, but I think this is an example. Somewhere there is probably an original copy that would tell us.

  4. Beautiful image of the fine Mike Sill in a classis physique pose.
    Was the photo of Sill taken in California by Martin, or did Martin travel to Utah and photograph Sill in that state? Bellas did quite a bit of travelling himself photographing models in other states, maybe Martin did so well.
