
Sunday, March 26, 2023

And finally, is this him, too?

Our last piece is one that I am uncertain of.  A friend I asked is convinced that this 1868 
painting by Patrouillard is the same man as we see in all the other posts from today, but I'm 
not so sure.  We are talking about student work here, so it may well be, plus the dating 
and the school match up with my research on the artist.  What do  y'all think?



  1. Thanks for this great series. I think the final painting is the same model. Even though the face has been prettied up, the round prominent calves and relatively small feet are consistent with the other works as is the general muscular build.

    1. You're welcome. You make good points about the model being our guy.

  2. Great idea for a series, Jerry. And yes, it's plausible that this is the same guy.

  3. Jerry, this is a terrific collection. Thanks for sharing it. Is it just me, or do some of these drawings look photographic in their clarity?

    1. You're welcome, B.D.! Yes, they do approach photographic quality, and we have two things to thank for it. First, the Ecole des Beaux Artes admitted only the best, and they were expected to be precisely realistic in their academic work. Second, most of the images from EBA on line were scanned at high resolution. Win, win.
