
Friday, March 31, 2023

Paul Andrews and ACME via Cambria

Canadian paratrooper Paul Andrews was an unlikely candidate to be a character in a pivotal moment in the history of free expression (and gay history, for that matter) in the USA.  Thanks to generous contributor and diligent researcher Cambria, we have a photo spread he did for ACME in 1967.  At the time, the legality of male frontal nudity in American publications was not fully established.  ACME shot both posing strap and frontal nudes, probably in hope of being able to use them all eventually. 
 So today, I'm proud to present some very good photos with a story behind them.
Many thanks to Cambria for his generous help and donation.



  1. This is new to me, but it is nice when I get to see a strapping young fellow with my history lesson. Good work and thanks, Jerry.
