
Wednesday, June 28, 2023

P.C. W.S. Shute

A number of Gloucester policemen joined the British Army in the Great War, 
and P.C. W.S Shute was one of them.  He became a Sergeant-Major stationed
 in Egypt.  I believe he is shown here in his army uniform.



  1. My great-great grandfather (born 1792), despite being born and raised in Somerset, was a young lieutenant in the Gloucesters, whose regimental HQ was based in Bristol and fought in the Peninsula War against Napoleon's armies in Spain. (At Talavera we stole Boney's eagle / And for a while we were heroes of Spain...) He later was present at Waterloo as an equerry and after victory, attended the Council of Vienna in 1815 as an interpreter. My great-uncle Stanley served in France with the Gloucesters. There were barracks at Stroud and Gloucester, where Sergeant-Major Shute doubtless volunteered, as the Gloucestershire Hussars was always a voluntary yeomanry regiment. A Sergeant-Major is an appointment, not a rank in the British army, duties usually performed by a senior warrant officer. Let us hope that like Uncle Stanley, this handsome and determined fellow came home safely from that dreadful and needless conflict.

    1. A quick check does not find his name on the memorial plaque for his unit, so perhaps he made it through OK.

  2. i hope that poor babe is okay!! πŸ˜œπŸ¦‹πŸ¦‹πŸ’ͺπŸΎπŸ’˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜☄️
