
Monday, August 21, 2023

The Pure Artistry of Pat Milo

I've posted series in the past of Pat Milo's work where the focus was on his outstanding 
studio lighting skills.  Today we will take a broader look at the man's genius and examine 
a few more of those along with material from different settings.  We begin with Mark Price
 posed in front of some floor to ceiling blinds.  Shades of George Platt Lynes.



  1. Yes, and also Shades of Grey. I don't know what, exactly, makes this study so fascinating and good. I just can't put my finger on it. Is it the rounded physique beside rounded columns whilst all else is angular? Whatever it is that Milo is doing with our brains, it works.

    1. Right. Not knowing exactly what it is that makes it appeal to us makes it even more appealing.

  2. I had 4 photos of Mark Price by Pat Milo and 2 were front views with all black backgrounds (which I always felt were too dark) and 2 were rear views in an explosion of light thru window blinds. Jerry do you have any idea if these all were from the same session with Milo? Sending them to you.?

    1. Got them, thank you, and they do not look like the same session to me.

  3. Like a sophisticated image taken in a luxe co-op high rise in Manhattan.
    Very Platt-Lynes in execution with the terrific lighting, kudos to Milo.
    Never knew Milo could be this artistic, so revealing of his talents as a photographer in this image of museum quality. Generally, Milo was known for his full nudes of men in full bloom, shall we say. A most wonderful series :)

  4. I love this photo. Not only for the excellent lighting, the pose, the model, and all the elements. But because it also brings back a wonderful Navy memory of a guy who had that same physique and same way of standing — it was on base at the Navy school, and he cruised me several times. I was too much of a moron to realize that was what he was doing until I transferred elsewhere. Sigh.

    The ability to evoke memories like is due to the artistry of the photographer. Thank you, Milo.
