
Saturday, August 26, 2023

Three Inch Gun Crew(s?)

Dee sent me two photos labeled "3-inch gun crew."  
Do y'all think the men in the two pictures could be the same group?



  1. The hairy-chested male in the middle of both pictures appears to be the same man.

  2. One the other hand, Mr. Hairy reminds me of the only reason to watch McHale's Navy: Edson Stroll.

    1. Google is our friend. I am now a big fan of Edison Stroll. Thanks, Dan!

    2. You're more than welcome. The first time I saw him was when I was a kid watching McHale's Navy when it first came out. He stepped out from the group and said, "Well, I guess it's time I took my shirt off." He did. I nearly collapsed.

      Oh, and not to be a jackass, but there is no "i" in his first name. It's strictly Edson.

    3. I remember an erection or two over his shirtless self.

    4. Oh yeah. . ..
      He also did an entire Twilight Zone episode in a Speedo. Mmmm

    5. Spelling error noted, but not correctable unless I delete and repeat. I never got to watch McHale's Navy as a kid because my Dad served in the Pacific in WWII, and he found their slapstick version of the war offensive. The man did have a sense of humor, but not when it came to that war. I did get to watch every singe episode of Victory at Sea, however.

    6. I always swooned over STEW POT in South Pacific

  3. The Eye Of The Beholder episode of Twilight Zone really shows him off to advantage. Plus a Murder She Wrote where he is older but no less handsome. And here is a bit more.....

    1. Thanks for the link!!! Most of his publicity stills show off a beautiful hairy chest, but he seems to have lost it for a few of his roles.

  4. And The Trade-ins episode even more so!
