
Monday, September 11, 2023

Robert X. McCarthy

World War II vet Robert X. "Buddy" McCarthy posed for Lynes in 1952 for a few solo shots 
and a memorable series with African-American model John Leapheart.  Buddy had a brief affair 
with Lynes, and we have no doubt about this model's sexuality.  In this photo we can tell that he 
knows exactly why we are looking at him.  Mr. McCarthy lived to the ripe old age of 91 
and is buried along with his long-term lover Ned Kell.



  1. A very handsome man-Dee Exx

  2. I have a couple of more photos from this sitting, it was his extraordinary work with John that intrigued me to find out more about him. I was not disappointed.

    1. If it's not too much trouble, could you send those to me when you get a chance? I don't think I have the other photos from that session

  3. According to FamilySearch, his partner Cecil Ned Kell is my 11th cousin, twice removed. Other sources don't prove that relationship.'connell-mccarthy
    and many Internet Obituaries.

    1. I read once that just about all Anglo-Celtic American Southerners are related at 7th or 8th cousin level. That's supposed to be why the genealogical DNA companies rarely go beyond 6th cousin in their matches.

    2. Anyone named Dewees or Deweese in America is not more distant than my 8th cousin, as the 1st and only Mr. Dewees to come over was that many generations from me ago. Dewees is Dutch for "the waif", his ancestor was a foundling, abandoned by unknow parents who died in an epidemic. Thank you for finding photos and biographies of distant relatives.

  4. By marriages, his partner Cecil Ned Kell is my 6th cousin, once removed.
