
Thursday, November 2, 2023

A different approach

This fellow took a different approach with interesting results.



  1. Applying for a job at the entry-level position, I see.

    SB Dan

  2. I think this photo is photoshopped. Where is his penis? We should see his penis and testicles in the scrotum around the base of the penis. The scrotum is the right way if he is standing upright. If his penis is tiny and hidden by the scrotum, I would not expect the scrotum to be so loose.

    1. I wondered about that myself, so I used software to check. If it's faked, it's a very good fake, but I won't rule it out entirely.

  3. I had considered this man's position and genital anatomy in my head. So I copied his position in front of a mirror, and found my scrotum covered my penis. So now I don't think it is photoshopped. And I have to use 3D anatomy images in future. Or look at myself. However, it is a very loose scrotum and if it was hot when the photo was taken I would expect to see his penis.

    1. Well, then it's probably authentic after all.

    2. Thomas, I admire your dedication to getting to the umm...bottom of this. Bravo!
