
Saturday, December 16, 2023

Grainy unknown

I've seen on line commentators speculate that Lynes intentionally set up this photo 
of an unknown model to appear grainy.  Whether intentional or not, it is effective.



  1. A bit of peekaboo, if you look closely.

    1. Yes, I was waiting to see if anyone would notice, and it didn't take you long.

  2. There are a number of photos, of both male and female models, that use this effect. In his time period, most effects would have been created either physically (something placed in the light path during exposure) or chemically (something done during processing of the film or paper). The consistency of the effect in the various images suggests to me that he placed something in front of the camera lens (a scrap of open-weave fabric or a piece of very thin paper perhaps). Whatever it was, was close to the lens and out-of-focus. Something that us mere mortals would never think of doing, but a genius would!

    1. Thank you, Tom! I appreciate your thoughtful comment.
